Dr. Diana Belli, DDS Anesthesiologist
Dr. Diana Belli, DDS Anesthesiologist
For Patients /
Payment and Insurance

Insurance & Payment Information

Medical and dental insurance may cover part of the cost of anesthesia but usually don't unless it's for medically compromised patients and children.  You will be responsible for determining any eligibility you may have.

Charges to the Patient

You will be responsible for payment at the end of the case either by cash, credit card or CareCredit regardless of any insurance eligibility.  I do not bill insurance companies directly.

My services are provided at an hourly rate.  The charges are determined by the dentists estimated work time plus one hour for my pre-op and recovery. I will provide you with an estimate which is in the packet you will be sent well before your procedure so you can plan accordingly. You will receive a receipt from me within a day or two after the procedure.